A World where Grades are left Behind
In the Article, “A world where grades are left behind” by Mary Beth Marklein, it starts off talking about how learning should become free and available to anyone. There will be no failure or tardiness to class because all the lessons will become games and enjoyable. It talks about how students would learn more if learning became a game.
He talks about how there is a blue and red pill. The blue pill is more like the teachers who just want to sit in a classroom and lecture all day. The red pill is more for teachers who want an adventure or seen a wonderland. Thrun talks about how he oversees the online start-up Udacity. This incredible tool will hopefully develop a catalog of free online sources taught by professors around the world. In one room, the students can create videos and use special effects with the instructors’ hands. In the other room, they are creating courses such as Making Math Matter that will engage students. These courses will allow students to play games while learning the subject of math.
Thrun talks about how the classrooms will eventually flip and learning will come from technology. He talks about how students should watch videos at night and then work on homework during the day. Classes will start to focus on more challenging exercises or quizzes that will help the students understand the concept. Also, grades do not need to come into account and education should be free. Grades are the failure of the educational system. Thrun wants education to come to you, whether than be forced to be educated.
After reading this article, I formed a completely different view on education. I feel as though Thruns’ ideas are brilliant. I would much rather learn from a game then a 20 minute lecture. If we were not forced to study and take test, then students would not mind actually learning and would enjoy it. If we were not graded on everything we accomplished or critiqued for it, then students would learn to find their limit and understand their potential. Thrun made some exceptional point s and understands the students’ minds and willingness to learn. If teachers allow them to learn the way they will understand, then students will start to enjoy being educated. Overall, I feel as an educator it is important to incorporate technology in your classroom. I hope that one day the classrooms will flip and students will start discovering new information on their own.
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