Sunday, August 26, 2012

Assignment 1 Blog

About Me Mary Angela Martin
My name is Mary Angela Martin and I am a sophomore at the University of South Alabama. I am from Mobile, Alabama and went to St. Paul’s Episcopal school. I am in a family of six and we are very close. My brother and I both go to college in Mobile while my sisters are still attending St. Paul’s. My mom and dad’s entire family live in Mobile and they both have families of six and eight. I grew up with a big close family and we do everything together. I am attending the University of South Alabama because I was recruited for the women’s tennis team. It was never one of my choices but last minute I came and looked around the campus and had a meeting with the coach and loved it. I have changed my major repeatedly throughout the year and I have come to a final decision of elementary education. I believe that this major would best suit me because I love working with kids and helping them with their future. I have many different passions but the most important one is tennis. I love playing tennis and have grown up playing it my entire life. I also love going to the beach and could lay out on the beach all day. I would love to just watch movies all day rather than read because I have never enjoyed reading but wish I did learn to love it. Randy Pausch Time Management Video
I learned some valuable tips in this video. I learned that you need to understand why you write something down and the purpose in why you need to achieve this task. I also learned that it is important that instead of being concerned about doing it right rather than worry about doing the right thing. I really liked the tip about good judgment coming from experience and experience comes from bad judgment. It also talked about how planning is done in different stages and in order to change your plans you must have one first. It states also do the hardest stuff first and instead of just staring at it and not wanting to do it you should not think and just do the task. I do not know anything else about Randy but I would love to find out more about him because he seemed like an interesting man.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Mary,
    Your blog was very interesting and i enjoyed learning about your life prior to college. It seems like you have a great family and a great carrer going. I saw were you play Tennis and i hope you have a great season. Now i would like to give you both positive and negative feedback on your post. I feel like you did a really good job providing all the needed information for this assignment. I feel like your grammar was very good, there probably was a few commas missing here and there. Your post was also very well written and it has some nice thought in it. The only thing i saw was that you did not do your breaks right. I really enjoyed reading your post and the best of luck to you this year.
